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The New Normal for Classrooms Post Covid19 1

The New Normal for Classrooms Post-Covid19

When schools closed and students went home there was a fundamental shift that changed in education even if we haven’t fully seen it yet. Though the pandemic is temporary the impact will be lasting. People are thinking differently about everything. When there are problems that change the way we fundamentally do things people look to technology to provide solutions and in many cases, it provides the answers. There is no doubt we are living in a new normal.

Widespread Change

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates

The fruit of change is adaptation and innovation. At the heart of innovation is changing the way we see things and think. Our education systems are rapidly rethinking how we teach, interact, and facilitate not just learning but everything that is connected as well. Nobody knows the extent of the impact that Covid-19 will have on education in the coming months and years and many schools are grappling with how to institute the recommended changes from the CDC. What we do know is some changes will change the way classrooms are set up. Personal changes in students’ and teachers’ habits like wearing masks or having barriers in-between desks will all affect how educators deliver learning.

Change creates change. As we dig deeper and consider recess, eating, sports, extra-curricular activities and social activities, it isn’t hard to imagine widespread change. Along with this change will be unintended consequences and new problems that will need to be fixed. How will students and teachers adapt to the new changes and how disruptive will it be to learning? These are concerns for educators everywhere right now. The good news is everyone is dedicated to solving these problems and ensuring our education systems not only adapt but thrive in the new normal.

Planning for an Uncertain Future

We don’t know what is around the corner for classrooms or schools, but what we do know is the connection between teachers and students is vital to learning. There is no other system more important to delivering teaching than an audio system. Whether it is delivering the teacher’s voice with or without a face mask or physical barriers or enhancing other teaching media. Sound field systems are designed to deliver clear audio to create a front-row learning experience for every student at any distance to the teacher.

Education has been changing at a fast pace and the pandemic has only accelerated the need for smarter learning experiences enhanced with technology. Studies have shown audio-enhanced classrooms produce a better learning environment for everyone. Once you start adding additional barriers between the teacher and students the problem only becomes more pronounced. Good audio is not an option for learning, it is fundamental and schools should be including classroom audio systems in both their Covid-19 response planning and their regular budget planning. Schools with sound field audio systems will not only see less disruption as students return to classrooms, but they will also be future-proofing themselves and enhancing all other technology investments. Learn the 10 benefits of having a classroom audio system.

Protecting The Learning Process

Develop learning environments that are better at managing functional and physical change. When you break down the key relationship between students and teachers it isn’t about classrooms or textbooks, it is about communication. As students went home and were converted to remote learning they moved out of a classroom setting and had a direct connection to the teacher with audio right in their ears. As they come back to school with distractions, distance, and possible masks or barriers schools need to protect the learning process by integrating technology to shrink the gap for students to hear the teacher.

Whenever there is unexpected and fundamental change in life, lessons are learned and weaknesses are exposed. It’s time for schools to think more about classroom audio and find technology that brings students and teachers closer together. Our goal at TeachLogic is to make a difference in the learning of every student and create teaching experiences that teachers love. Learn more about our classroom sound field solutions and make sure you have this important conversation when it comes time to plan budgets for school and classroom investments. We may be living in a new normal but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected to your students.