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Hearing Everything,
Changes Everything.

Even the best “teacher voice” won’t be heard clearly by all students.

Learn Why

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TeachLogic audio systems are the most inclusive and least disruptive solution for increasing student and teacher performance by creating equitable access to a teacher’s voice, so all instruction is clearly heard without needing to use their “teacher voice.”

A Teacher’s voice volume decreases almost 30% by the back of the room.

TeachLogic allows teachers to be heard clearly around the classroom – and online at the same time – with a simple microphone. No learning curve.

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Classroom Silhouette

Are your students falling behind?

Are students disengaged, zoning out, engaging in disruptive behaviors, or falling behind academically?

These may all be caused by an inability to hear clearly. TeachLogic can fix this issue with an easy, intuitive audio system.

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Desk D

“In my eighteen years of teaching I have found using a microphone in the classroom as one of the most helpful tools.  I can speak normally and students are able to clearly hear.”

– Jamie Yorba, AVID Program Coordinator and Teacher, San Marcos, CA

Why Audio?

Sound Field 101 Home Thumbnail

An optimal sound system delivers sound accurately and effortlessly at a normal speaking level, no matter where the student is located. For children to hear properly, the teacher’s voice needs to be about 15 dB louder than the background noise.

Overcome Masks

Masks vs Mics Home Thumbnail

Can all your students hear what’s happening in class? Or is the teacher’s voice fading out? Ongoing safety measures present additional challenges – but the right sound system can overcome them.

Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning Home Thumbnail

TeachLogic classroom audio systems easily connect to a computer hosting a video conferencing application in order to synchronize classroom audio for online listeners. Using a TeachLogic wireless microphone allows the teacher to move freely around the room without affecting audio quality for the students.

How to Choose

Choose a System Home Thumbnail

The right audio solution depends upon the size of the classroom, the number of students in and out of the room, the distance between seats, the room’s acoustics, any student hearing disabilities, and more.

TeachLogic is already in more than 70,000 classrooms

Get in touch with us today to join our expanding community of classrooms!

TeachLogic is meant for everyone illustration

TeachLogic is meant for everyone!

TeachLogic is designed for teachers in classrooms of almost any size, whether in-person or hybrid.

It helps students with hearing difficulties, auditory processing issues, and second language learners, but it’s meant for everyone – because everyone deserves to hear the lesson content and their peers’ discussions equally well.

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When Teachers Use Microphones

A microphone lifts the teacher’s natural voice to help with classroom management while increasing intelligibility, which also decreases the need for repetition.


gains in Math and Reading.


increase in on-task behavior.


gains in comprehension for ELL students.

See How To Be Hybrid Ready

Review a case study on how teacher microphones made a hybrid model successful.

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How it Works

Built-in TV/project speakers and sound bars don’t work well in classrooms. To reach the back of class, the volume needs to be turned up loud. But then, the volume level becomes too loud for the class. And how can teachers move freely around the room and expect students to hear them equally well as they move and turn away?

TeachLogic creates a Sound Field to distribute audio evenly across the classroom. Schools get the full benefit of their curriculum and visual technologies while directly reinforcing the teacher. Microphones attach to a simple lanyard that a teacher wears around their neck, with no complicated setup required. You can link devices such as computers and TVs to ensure all audio evenly fills the room so any student can sit anywhere without missing a word.

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How the TeachLogic Classroom Audio System Works

We Believe Every Student Deserves to Hear What Their Teachers Have to Say.

Help us transform comprehension and learning. Explore an instructional audio system that’s right for you, or request a free call or webinar for your school. A quality audio system generates more proven ROI than you might imagine.

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Listening Environment Quiz

TeachLogic Classroom

Find out if your school is providing an optimal listening environment for students.

Take The Quiz

According to the NIH, starting before high school, 1 in every 8 people lose some hearing in both ears. How many students are in a typical classroom at your school?


Have you seen an increase in disciplinary referrals? Have students seemed inattentive, bored, or distracted?


How many students do teachers refer for ADHD testing? Are other behavioral or learning issues common?


Are teachers requesting help due to unruly students? Are they implementing interventions like moving kids to the front of the classroom?


Do your teachers use microphones?


How are students performing on standardized tests?


Are your classrooms heated or air-conditioned? Are there open windows facing roads or playgrounds?


Is your school in a noisy area, near a busy road, or by a fire station?


Are the hallways noisy? Are classrooms located near gyms, playgrounds, parking lots, or auditoriums?


How big are your classrooms?


Are there physical barriers to sound in any classrooms, such as computers, screens, or pillars?


Do you experience difficulty communicating through a mask or physical barriers?


You are almost there!

Please complete the form below to view your results.

Need more information?