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Enable muting by both Page and Fire Alarm on one input


Summary: For integrators comfortable doing so, you may connect both the fire alarm relay and an intercom/paging IP module relay to the FA Mute Input. The input is a dry contact closure in the normally open position. The amplifier looks for this circuit to close. Any “short” or “closure” of the circuit will mute the amplifier.

Compatibility: TeachLogic Maxim™ and Spectrum™ amplifiers

Disclaimer: We recommend consulting both the fire and paging system specs and instructions to ensure compatibility. We cannot guarantee function, so we recommend repeated testing. Also, we cannot advise whether this will void the other systems’ warranty, service agreement, or another binding document.
Integration: Wire the fire alarm and IP module in series/parallel. This allows either/both to close the circuit.

FA mute pagefire wiring diagram 1

classroom audio fire alarm sensing relay

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